
Human migration is the movement by people from one place to another with the intention of settling temporarily or permanently in the new location. A distinction is made between international migration, where people move from one country to another, and internal migration which covers movements within a country. Table 3.2 highlights the flow of international and internal migration into and out of Devon from 2004 to 2013. This does not include movements within the Devon County Council area from one address to another. This reveals internal migration is much more significant locally than international migrations, with more than nine times the number of internal movements than international movements. More people move into Devon (inflow) than out (outflow), contributing to population growth locally. The net flow of internal migrants is around 4,000 per annum in Devon, and the net flow of international migrants has stood at around 2,000 per annum for the last three years.

New National Insurance Number Registrations for international migrants give a further indication of migration patterns amongst those who are economically active. This is shown in figure 3.8 as a percentage of the working-age population (aged 16 to 64). The pattern in Devon has been relatively stable since 2008, falling from a peak of 0.93% in 2007 to 0.61% in 2013. The level of new registrations in Devon is less than half of the national rate (1.61% in 2013).

Table 3.2, International and Internal Migration into and out of Devon, 2004 to 2013

Year Population International Migration Internal Migration
Inflow Outflow Net flow Inflow Outflow Net flow
2004 718,800 3,600 4,000 -400 35,600 27,300 +8,300
2005 725,600 6,900 3,300 +3,600 32,600 26,900 +5,700
2006 729,600 3,700 3,600 +100 33,300 27,500 +5,800
2007 736,300 4,400 2,800 +1,600 34,700 27,700 +7,000
2008 739,900 3,500 4,600 -1,100 33,200 27,100 +6,100
2009 741,000 3,800 4,800 -1,000 30,400 26,600 +3,800
2010 743,900 4,000 3,000 +1,000 30,100 26,800 +3,300
2011 747,700 4,700 2,800 +1,900 30,300 27,000 +3,300
2012 753,200 3,800 1,900 +1,900 31,400 27,200 +4,200
2013 758,100 4,000 2,000 +2,000 30,200 26,400 +3,800

Source: Office for National Statistics, Migration by Local Authorities in England & Wales, 2014

Figure 3.8, New Migrant National Insurance Number Registrations as a percentage of persons aged 16 to 64, Devon vs England, 2004 to 2013

Figure 3.8 Migrant NI Number Registrations
Click to enlarge

Source: Office for National Statistics, Migration by Local Authorities in England & Wales, 2014

Figures 3.9 and 3.10 shows the pattern of internal migration into and out of Devon by age group in 2013. The only age groups in which more people leave Devon than arrive are the 20 to 29 age groups, which is largely due to people leaving to attend university or employment. High net flows contributing to population growth in Devon are seen in the 30 to 69 age group, which also contributes to higher net flows in under 20s as people move to Devon later in their working life or at retirement. The net flow for those aged 70 and over is relatively low.

Figure 3.9, Internal Migration into and out of Devon by Age Group during 2013

Figure 3.9 Internal Migration in and out of Devon
Click to enlarge

Source: Office for National Statistics, Migration by Local Authorities in England & Wales, 2014

Figure 3.10, Net Internal Migration by Age Group during 2013

Figure 3.10 Internal Migration by Age
Click to enlarge

Source: Office for National Statistics, Migration by Local Authorities in England & Wales, 2014

A further analysis of internal migration reveals movements by region into and out of Devon. As table 3.3 reveals, as around 42% of movements in and 46% of movements out are within the South West, the pattern is fairly even and the net flow relatively low (+422). The largest net flow is from the South East (+1,466), with fairly sizeable net flows from the East of England (+543), and the West Midlands (+482). Table 3.4 shows net migration by age group and region for 2013. This highlights a significant net flow of people from Devon to London in the 16 to 39 age group (-558), with higher net flows from London to Devon in other age groups.

Table 3.3, Internal Migration into and out of Devon by Region during 2013

Region Movements In Movements Out Net Flow
East Midlands 1,139 1,001 138
East of England 1,949 1,406 543
London 2,779 2,504 275
North East 224 246 -22
North West 1,156 819 337
Northern Ireland 77 83 -6
Scotland 460 505 -44
South East 5,670 4,204 1,466
South West 12,622 12,199 422
Wales 1,274 1,235 39
West Midlands 2,022 1,540 482
Yorkshire and The Humber 853 704 149
All Regions 30,225 26,446 3,780

Source: Office for National Statistics, Migration by Local Authorities in England & Wales, 2014

Table 3.4, Net Migration into and out of Devon by Region and Age Group during 2013

Region 00 to 15 16 to 39 40 to 64 65 and over Total
East Midlands 17 -6 88 39 138
East of England 126 124 276 18 543
London 224 -558 440 169 275
North East 12 -42 0 8 -22
North West 71 95 160 11 337
Northern Ireland -13 16 -6 -2 -6
Scotland -11 2 -37 1 -44
South East 305 201 792 168 1,466
South West 317 -63 251 -82 422
Wales -21 63 -9 6 39
West Midlands 93 77 224 89 482
Yorkshire and The Humber 43 37 37 33 149
All Regions 1,161 -55 2,216 458 3,780

Source: Office for National Statistics, Migration by Local Authorities in England & Wales, 2014