Gender Reassignment

In 2010 it was estimated nationally the number of gender variant people presenting for treatment was around 12,500. Of these, around 7,500 have undergone transition. The median age for treatment for gender variation is 42 years. There is no precise number of the trans population in Devon. However, the Gender Identity Research and Education Society has published estimates ( suggesting that 1% of the population were gender nonconforming to some degree (which would equate to 7,600 in Devon), with around 0.02% having undergone gender reassignment (which would equate to 150 in Devon) and around 0.004% likely to start treatment in the next year (which would equate to 30 in Devon).

Health, Care and Wellbeing Needs

Mental wellbeing

Trans people are more likely than others to experience mental distress, social isolation and social exclusion.

Discrimination can be one of the main issues that can impact on the mental health of trans people, with approximately three quarters having experience some form of harassment in public.

A lack of understanding within families, the workplace or society as a whole can impact on self-esteem, resulting in social isolation and exclusion.

The largest ever UK survey of trans people (n=889), The Trans Mental Health Study (McNeil 2012), found extremely high levels of previous or current self-reported depression (88%), stress (80%) and anxiety (75%) in trans people (McNeil 2012). The survey focused on how the process of transitioning (social and/or medical) impacts mental health and wellbeing. It should be noted the survey did not include the wider transgender population who were not undergoing permanent social or medical transition. The transgender population is also more likely to be affected by social isolation and depression.

Further Information