Why is it an issue?
The age of transition from ‘child’ to ‘adult’ status and eligibility to receive services varies across services locally and nationally, meaning that support can be inconsistent and discontinued in some cases.
What is the position in Devon?
Whilst transition protocols exist, such as the protocol for transition from child to adult mental health services, planning for transitions between different types of services and for those with multiple vulnerabilities needs to be improved.
What is the evidence of effective interventions?
Based on evidence work has been undertaken in Devon to improve transition between schools particularly in rural areas and for alcohol misuse services and domestic and sexual violence and abuse services there is a need to make further improvements particularly for children leaving care. The Department for Education has issued Statutory Guidance to improve young people’s wellbeing with a focus on equality of access for all young people to the positive, preventive and early help they need.
“The lack of support during this period can have negative impact on both the individual and the community.”