Other Resources

The links on this page may be helpful to practitioner’s seeking background information and further resources around the topics of weight management, physical activity and behaviour change.

NICE and Department of Health Guidance


Managing obesity:  http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/cg43niceguideline.pdf

Preventing type 2 diabetes:  http://pathways.nice.org.uk/pathways/preventing-type-2-diabetes

CMO report on physical activity (2011):  http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_127931

NHS Health Checks:  http://www.healthcheck.nhs.uk/

Motivational interviewing

Rollnick S, Mason P, Butler C (1999) Health behavior change. A guide for practitioners. Churchill Livingston

Miller WR, Rollnick S (2002) Motivational interviewing. Preparing people for change (2nd edition), Guildford Press

More information at  http://www.motivationalinterviewing.org

Relapse prevention

Marlatt G. Relapse Prevention: Theoretical rationale and overview of the model. In: MarlattGA, Gordon J, editors. Relapse Prevention. New York: Guildford Press; 1985. 3-70.


Healthy eating recipes





Other useful websites

Information and patient information leaflets on healthy lifestyles are available from



Information for patients and health professionals on “pre-diabetes” (Impaired Glucose Regulation) http://www.pcmd.ac.uk/research/downloads/wakeup/read/practitioners_read.pdf

The Diabetes Prevention Toolkit: A toolkit for commissioners and practitioners for setting up a diabetes prevention programme is available via http://www.image-project.eu