Early Help describes the range of support that can be offered in response to the emerging needs of children, young people and families. When a child’s needs increase, more than one service may be required to meet their needs. ‘Early Help’ is the name given to the way services work together, in a coordinated way, to support the child, young person and their family. If we do this well, fewer children will need to be supported by statutory services, such as children’s social care. The Devon Threshold Tool and Devon Assessment Framework (DAF) allow professionals, whichever organization they work for, to assess the needs of a child, young person or family and involve partner organisations or support services and enable the process of providing or accessing support services can begin. Support, advice and guidance to assist practitioners involved with early help activity in Devon is available through the Early Help Coordination Centre (EHCC). Support and advice are available around completion of the DAF, contacting agencies and identifying lead professionals and signposting professionals and families to local services and support. Early help advisors, based in locality areas provide support in completing high quality assessments, with clear, positive outcomes for children, young people and their families. Figure 8.1 shows the number of assessments undertaken as a percentage of all persons aged 0 to 24 in the area. This highlights higher levels of DAF assessment in North Devon (1.3% overall) and Torridge (1.4% overall) compared with 0.8% for Devon as a whole. Elsewhere in Devon, rates are typically higher in urban centres.
Figure 8.1, DAF assessments as a percentage of persons aged 0 to 24 by LSOA, 2016
Source: Devon County Council, 2016