Existing Strategic Priorities in Devon

Devon Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy


Through the Health and Social Care Act 2010, local authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) have equal and joint duties to prepare JSNAs and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies through the health and wellbeing board.  Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies are designed to address the needs identified in JSNA and set health and wellbeing priorities for local organisations.  The commissioning plans of CCGs, NHS local teams, and local authorities are expected to be informed by relevant JSNAs and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies.

The Devon Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2013 to 2016 identified four overarching priorities for Devon.  These are:

  1. A focus on children and families
  2. Healthy lifestyle choices
  3. Good health and wellbeing in older age
  4. Strong and supportive communities

Within these overarching priority areas are a number of more specific priorities, and progress and emerging priorities have been identified through updates to the strategy.

Devon County Council: Better Together


‘Better Together’ sets out a vision for 2020 and beyond for the County Council detailing how the council will work with partners to help people and communities control their own future. The vision is built around five themes:

Resilient – Supporting people and communities to become resilient by supporting voluntary and community groups, and creating opportunities for people to contribute.

Healthy – Enabling people to lead healthy lives in Devon’s environment, supporting people to live in their own home as part of a supportive community, and focusing on reducing inequalities in health.

Prosperous – Supporting Devon’s resourceful small enterprises, innovative high value businesses, agriculture and tourism industries and encouraging economic growth.

Connected – Helping people to connect to one another in order to form supportive and inclusive communities through good digital and transport connections.

Safe – Working to ensure everyone has the security, confidence and respect to live their life to the full, and where risks are present carefully targeting support to address the root causes of problems and offer protection from harm.

Underlying this vision is the need for collaboration (working with the public and other organisations to achieve the best outcomes), being enterprising (achieving good value and working efficiently and effectively), and being innovative (working in new and flexible ways).

Figure 2.2, The Vision for Devon

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Source: Better Together: Devon 2014 – 2020, Devon County Council, 2014

There are also specific strategic priorities relating to particular areas of responsibility within the county council.

The Adult Social Care Annual Report identifies current issues and priorities (https://new.devon.gov.uk/adultsocialcareandhealth/guide/adult-social-care-in-devon-2014-annual-report/).  Further to this, the vision for care and support for vulnerable adults in Devon sets out how the County Council, its partners and the citizens of Devon will work together to build supportive communities and independent individuals.

A number of Joint Commissioning Strategies cover areas where responsibilities are shared between Adult Social Care, Health Services and other agencies, and where strategic coordination is critical to achieving the best outcomes for Devon.  Current Joint Commissioning Strategies are listed below:

  • A mental health commissioning strategy for Devon, Plymouth and Torbay 2014-2017
  • Living well with a learning disability in Devon 2014-2017
  • Living well with dementia in Devon – making progress 2014-2016
  • Carers in Devon: joint strategy 2014-2019

Annual Public Health Reports provide an overview of public health issues locally and set priorities for the year ahead.

A Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) is currently in development to inform the work of the NHS in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay to provide a vision of better health, patient care and improved NHS efficiency.  Current strategic plans are outlined below.

Northern Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group: Local NHS Futures – Transforming Care in Devon and Plymouth


The Northern, Eastern and Western Devon CCG vision agreed by the governing body in 2013 is ‘healthy people, living healthy lives, in healthy communities’.

This vision is to be achieved through the commissioning of high quality sustainable services promoting wellbeing and caring for people when they are unwell, by focusing on working in partnership, making the best use of available resources and emphasising the prevention of ill health and the promotion of wellbeing, alongside helping people with long-term conditions to live well.  The CCGs objectives are to:

  • Commission services with partners to reduce health inequalities and improve people’s lives
  • Listen to people and take action on what they say about services
  • Commission safe services and reduce avoidable harm
  • Support people to make healthy lifestyle choices and understand the care, treatment and services available to them
  • Develop people, and those who support them, to value strengths and personal qualities in all they do
  • Innovate to increase productivity and reduce waste.

South Devon and Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group Strategic Plan


The South Devon and Torbay CCG vision as documented in the 2014 Strategic Plan is for ‘excellent, joined up care for everyone’.

The CCG highlight their responsibilities as reducing inequalities, achieving national requirements and achieving a sustainable financial balance.  This is supported by three intentions which are an excellent experience of care and effective outcomes, a focus on collaborative working with communities, and a proud, motivated and skilled workforce.  The priorities for the CCG are:

  • Promoting self-care, prevention and personal responsibility
  • Developing joined up community hubs closer to home, for all
  • Leading a sustainable health and care system covering workforce, estates and IT.