Full Report
The Devon Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Report monitors progress against the priorities identified in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
These indicators are organised around the five priorities in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Devon 2016-19. The priorities are:
- Children, Young People and Families
- Living Well
- Good Health and Wellbeing in Older Age
- Strong and Supportive Communities
- Life Long Mental Health
The full June 2018 Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Report is available below:
Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Report – June 2018 (Full Version)
The ‘updates only’ version of the June 2018 Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Report, which only includes indicators updated since the last board meeting is available below:
Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Report – June 2018 (Updates Only)
The paper to the Health and Wellbeing Board summarising the June 2018 report is available below:
Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Report Paper June 2018
The next report will be published here in September 2018.
Archived versions of previous reports can be found here.
Individual Indicator Reports
The full report includes indicators across the five priority areas. The individual indicator reports including within the full report compare Devon to other South West local authorities and similar local authorities nationally, track trends over time, investigate the pattern and nature of health and wellbeing inequalities, compare local authority districts within Devon and also compare Clinical Commissioning Groups and their localities across the wider Devon area.
Priority 1: Children, Young People and Families
Excess Weight in Four/Five Year Olds
Excess Weight in 10/11 Year Olds
GCSE Attainment * updated indicator
Teenage Conception Rate * updated indicator
Alcohol-Specific Admissions in under 18s
Priority 2: Living Well
Excess Weight in Adults* updated indicator
Proportion of Physically Active Adults* updated indicator
Alcohol-Related Admissions * updated indicator
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption (five-a-day)* updated indicator
Mortality Rate from Preventable Causes
Priority 3: Good Health and Wellbeing in Older Age
Feel Supported to Manage Own Condition
Re-ablement Services (Effectiveness)
Re-ablement Services (Coverage)
Healthy Life Expectancy Female
Deaths in Usual Place of Residence
Priority 4: Strong and Supportive Communities
Domestic Violence Incidents per 1,000 Population* updated indicator
Stable and Appropriate Accommodation (Learning Disability)
Rough Sleeping Rate per 1,000 Households
Dwellings with Category One Hazards
Private Sector Dwellings Made Free of Hazards
Priority 5: Life Long Mental Health
Emotional Wellbeing in Looked After Children* updated indicator
Hospital Admissions for Self-Harm, aged 10 to 24* updated indicator
Gap in Employment Rate (Mental Health Clients)
Stable and Appropriate Accommodation (Mental Health)