Devon Health and Wellbeing Sandbox
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Health and Wellbeing Board
Board members
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
What is the JSNA?
Devon Overview
Community Health and Wellbeing Profiles
Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Report
Public Health Devon Outcomes Report
Privacy Notices
Better Care Fund
Annual Public Health Reports
Health and Wellbeing Library
Needs Assessments
Annual Reports
Project Reports
Engagement Reports
Resources for Professionals
Resources for Schools
Exeter Health Library
Contact us
Population by broad age groups
Life expectancy at 65
Life expectancy at birth
Area map
Indices of deprivation sub-domains
Indices of deprivation sub-domains
Indices of Deprivation Domains
Index of Multiple Deprivation
Outcome of short-term support
Killed or seriously injured on roads
Alcohol-related admissions
Accidental falls admissions
Urgent care attendances
Elective Admissions
Emergency admissions
Access to psychological therapies
Health related behaviour estimates
Fuel poverty
Disabled working age benefit claimants
Carers working age benefit claimants
ESA or Incapacity Benefit claimants
Aged 16 to 24 Benefit Claimants
Working age benefit claimants
Pupils in well-rated schools
Use of health services
Mental ill health estimates
Special Educational Needs
English as an additional language
Outcomes of short-term support (ASCOF 2D)
Permanent admissions to residential and nursing care, aged 65+ (ASCOF 2A)
Adults with learning disabilities living in their own home or with family (ASCOF 1G)
Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs)
GCSE Attainment
Children In Need
Early Help DAF Assessments
Safeguarding Enquiries (MASH)
Safeguarding Enquiries (MASH)
Population by quinary age bands
Job Seekers Allowance Claimant Count
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