Ageing Well
We want adults to develop and maintain health and independence as long as possible so that they can live life to the full. When people start to develop a long-term health problem, we want to focus on preventing them developing further health and social problems. We want to see local services focused on those who have the greatest need, to reduce health inequality and to enable a greater focus on prevention of ill health.
The Facts:
- Devon has an ageing population and the older population will increase significantly over the next 30 years
- A significant healthy life expectancy and life expectancy gap persists in some places and with some groups
- There are many unknown carers who may need support
- The accidental falls rate is not benchmarking as well as previously
- Long term conditions and multiple long term conditions continue to increase and contribute a
significant proportion of local spend - Too many people are dying in hospital rather than their usual place of residence.
Achievements so far
Goals for 2016-2020
See priority: 1, 2, 4, 5
New Approach to carers
There are more than 84,000 Carers in Devon of whom 18,412 provide 50 hours or more of care per week. Their combined contribution to care is valued at £1.6 billion annually, so they are essential to the sustainability of public services. Protecting their health and wellbeing and therefore their potential to continue to care in a financially challenged context, in the most cost-effective ways possible, will be a major challenge.
The top priority has to be developing a balanced system that promotes and protects Carers’ independence and wellbeing while being responsive to higher level needs within our resources. The highest priority during the remainder of 2016 and the start of 2017 is listening and understanding how we need to change services to better meet carers’ needs in the most cost effective way.