Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Health Needs Assessments

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment has been reviewed in 2015 and now includes qualitative input to add to the richness of the data on population health need.

Health Needs Assessments (HNA) are a ‘systematic method for reviewing the health issues facing a population, leading to agreed priorities that will improve health and reduce health inequalities. These are an important part of the prioritisation process setting out needs, evidence of effectiveness and identifying gaps in provision.    A number of HNAs have been produced in response to Board priorities and need to be used to drive improvement in the health of the local population.

Completed Health Needs Assessments include:

  • South West Peninsula Veterans Health Needs Assessment (2014)
  • Safeguarding Children’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (2014-15)
  • Dementia Health Needs Assessment (2014)
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender Health Needs Assessment (2014)
  • Care Home Residents Health Needs Assessment (2014)
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Needs Assessment (2013)

Health Needs Assessments due for publication in 2015 include:

  • Long term conditions
  • Sight loss and visual impairment
  • Self harm

The Boards Health and Wellbeing Library contains all published Health Needs Assessments.