New Board Members
In recognition of the shared health and wellbeing objectives between partners two new members have joined the Board: Mr Tony Hogg, Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall; the Police and Crime Plan includes objectives on alcohol and domestic violence and Mr Rob Menary, Chief Probation Officer, Devon and Cornwall Probation Service; many people in the Criminal Justice System have or at risk of having poor health and wellbeing.
Councillor James McInnes has now taken on the Devon County Council Cabinet portfolio responsibility for Children and Young People and the place on the Board allocated to the Devon District Authorities has been taken up by Councillor Philip Sanders, West Devon Borough Council.
Local Governance Arrangements
In recognition that activity with local people takes place at the level of market and coastal town and their hinterland District, Borough and City local authorities have been leading on the development of local health and wellbeing governance arrangements. These include an Exeter Health and Wellbeing Board, Northern Devon Health and Wellbeing Forum and Teignbridge Health Exchange. In each case multi-agency partnerships produce local action plans which reflect the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy priorities in the local context.
Relationship with other governance structures
The Board regularly reviews its relationship with other Boards such as the Safeguarding Boards and the Chair of the Children’s Safeguarding Board has participated in Board meetings pertinent to children, young people and families. The Better Care Fund has also required links between Joint Commissioning, use and performance of the fund and the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Board also has a signed ‘compact’ with the Local Nature Partnership and has aligned work related to the ‘naturally active’ priority.