The need to access health and care services increases rapidly with age, with the rate of emergency admission to hospital six times higher in those aged 85 and over, compared to those aged 60 to 64. Life expectancy has increased over recent years, and whilst people are living longer and healthier lives, the ageing population will further increase demand for health and care services, and will present many challenges for how care is delivered in future.
Figure 5: Causes of Death contributing to the Life Expectancy Gap in Devon and Interventions to narrow the gap between the most and least deprived communities, 2010
The number of people living with dementia is set to increase from around 12,800 in 2011 to 20,300 in 2030. Many older people live on low incomes, with households aged 75 and over three times more likely to experience fuel poverty than households with young children. Social divisions continue to influence health into old age, with life expectancy at age 65 ranging from 16.0 years in the St James ward in Exeter to 25.6 years in Otterhead, East Devon.
Full JSNA Devon Overview: