The public health outcomes framework sets the context and ‘strategic direction’ for the new public health system with the vision of ‘improving and protecting the nation’s health while improving the health of the poorest fastest’. A prioritisation exercise was completed in September 2013 which looked at performance, human impact, and financial costs for these indicators and the prioritisation grid which lists out all indicators.
This exercise established that whilst many indicators could be monitored through the Public Health Outcomes Tool and other resources, for indicators critical to Public Health in Devon or where improvements were required, detailed local reports were required. These reports include regional and national comparisons with similar areas, trends, and local breakdowns by local authority district, clinical commissioning group, deprivation and other factors. The latest report is available below.
Full Report
The full report includes the overview, indicator summary and all the individual indicator reports.
Public Health Devon Outcomes Report, December 2017: Full Version
An ‘updates only’ version of the report is also available, including only indicators which have changed since the previous report.
Public Health Devon Outcomes Report, December 2017: Updates Only Version
Individual Indicator Reports
The Public Health Devon Outcomes Report includes indicators across the four domains of the Public Health Outcomes Framework and the overarching indicators. Updated indicators are marked. The individual indicator reports included within the full report are available below:
Overarching indicators
0.01 Healthy Life Expectancy Male
0.01 Healthy Life Expectancy Female
0.02 Gap in Life Expectancy Male
0.02 Gap in Life Expectancy Female
Improving the wider determinants of health
1.09 Sickness absence in last week * updated indicator
1.09 Working days lost to sickness absence * updated indicator
1.10 Killed or Seriously Injured on Roads
1.18 Social Contentedness * updated indicator
Health improvement
2.03 Smoking at Time of Delivery * updated indicator
2.04 Under 18 Conception Rate * updated indicator
2.06 Excess Weight in Four / Five Year Olds * updated indicator
2.06 Excess Weight in 10 / 11 Year Olds * updated indicator
2.07 Hospital Admissions for Injury, 0 to 14
2.08 Emotional difficulties in looked after children
2.10 Hospital Admissions Self-Harm, 10 to 24
2.11 Diet * updated indicator
2.12 Excess Weight in Adults * updated indicator
2.13 Proportion of Physically Active Adults * updated indicator
2.15 Drug Treatment Completion, Opiates * updated indicator
2.15 Drug Treatment Completion, Non-Opiates * updated indicator
2.18 Alcohol-Related Admissions (Narrow Definition)
2.18 Alcohol-Related Admissions (Broad Definition)
2.19 Cancer Diagnosed at Stage 1 or 2
2.22 Percentage Offered NHS Health Check * updated indicator
2.22 Percentage Received NHS Health Check * updated indicator
2.22 NHS Health Check Uptake Rate * updated indicator
2.23 Self-Reported Wellbeing (% low happiness)
Health protection
3.03 Population Vaccination (MMR Aged 5) * updated indicator
3.03 Flu Vaccination, at risk individuals
3.03 Flu Vaccination, aged 65 and over
3.08 Antibiotic Prescribing Rate
Healthcare public health and preventing premature mortality
4.03 Mortality Rate from Preventable Causes * updated indicator
4.04 Under 75 Mortality Rate Circulatory Disease * updated indicator
4.05 Under 75 Mortality Rate All Cancers * updated indicator
4.09 Excess Under 75 Mortality Rate for adults with serious mental illness
4.09 Contact with secondary mental health services
4.10 Suicide Rate * updated indicator
4.12 Preventable Sight Loss (Registrations)
4.13 Health-Related Quality of Life